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Mercury/Mars Conjunctions

mercury mars

Yesterday, Mercury left its conjunction with Mars in Virgo, which blended the energies of mental wit and communication, and physical vitality and action. As someone who has a strong Mercury-Mars conjunction (in Libra), I feel this aspect strongly. Plus, any time a planet aspects my Mercury, it also aspects my Mars, and vice-versa.

With how many times Mercury and Mars have been conjunct this year (transit Mercury/Mars exactly squared my Mercury/Mars conjunction in June), it’s been highlighting my passion and my communication. Mercury, ruling intelligence, wit, logic, travel, and everyday learning and career, is the fastest-travelling celestial body besides the moon. A few times a year, he goes retrograde, infamously wreaking havoc on travel plans, contracts, and jobs; these retrogrades have given him a reputation as being a trickster, indirectly solving issues and loving games, deals, and practical jokes.

Mars, on the other hand, is more of a direct energy. Mars is your physical vitality, your passion, your drive, and your energy. It’s your buttons (mine get pushed when I see injustice or meanness, for example, a Mars in Libra hallmark). It’s what you’re passionate about (I love beauty and art), and your motivation (also, the speed on which you act on things).

With Mercury and Mars blended, you’re a passionate writer – what you’re passionate about depends on the sign and house placement. With the conjunction in Virgo, there’s a passion for cultivating and nurturing, especially in the medical field, so medical writing is especially strong at this time. There’s also a direct way of writing that’s effective, eloquent, and on-point (after all, Mercury is at home and exalted in Virgo). On the downside, words are your weapons and you can give people a verbal beatdown when they make you mad! Be careful what you say at this time, especially if it’s in writing!

While this aspect is gone, the personal planets are strongly trining Saturn in Capricorn at this time. With Saturn moving retrograde, this is a good time to plan to become more organized, especially in your career, and reflect on blind spots that may be holding you back.

That’s all for now, happy stargazing!

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