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Solar Eclipse Survival Guide

I’m back!

I spent the last year acclimating to a new cottage and trying to ride the wave of shifting energies. And boy, is this a big one.

The solar eclipse in Libra is … woof. The good news: Mercury is combust, so this seems like a good time for writing fiction and poetry – and for intelligence, communication, and communing with messengers.

That being said, the eclipse is on the south node, signifying endings to how we are and how we feel, specifically about how we relate to others. Endings around relationships, including romantic, jobs, friendships, and family ties.

In other words, it’s the beginning of the end of diplomacy, and you don’t need to be an astrologer to know that.

All you need to do is turn on the news.

But I’m not here to talk about the news. I’m here to talk about you, and how you can survive the energies from this eclipse. So without further ado, here’s your Solar Eclipse in Libra Survival Guide.

What is a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse happens when the sun and moon cross paths in the sky and the moon partially or completely blocks the sun. The last time we had an eclipse, it was the big, total one we had in Aries in April, which was on the north node (the future, where we’re headed) and Chiron (wounded healer).

This one isn’t a total eclipse, but it’s near enough to the node to be powerful; many of us felt the energy beginning at the end of last week. The energy is so powerful, that many practitioners caution people against performing spells and rituals on the day of.

A solar eclipse is also a conjunction: an end and a beginning, the start of a new cycle.

Eclipse energy carries the strongest through the next lunar cycle, but can linger for longer depending on how it impacts your chart. This one may linger until Mercury is combust over the sun again, which should be in a few months.

This one: God, Adam, and Eve

This solar eclipse is in Libra, meaning the luminaries, South Node, and Mercury (all conjunct as mentioned above) are ruled by Venus, who is detriment in Scorpio as we speak.

First, Venus is over what I call the Samhain point. This is the midpoint between the autumn equinox and winter solstice and is when the ancients originally celebrated the precursor to Halloween. This point is about death and rebirth and falls when the final fruits are preserved and animals were traditionally hunted, slaughtered, and gutted for their parts.

Second, Venus is not alone. Venus is in a grand trine with Mars and Saturn. A grand trine in water signs usually allows compassion to flow; people I see with this in their chart are usually nurturing healers. However, the planets involved aren’t happy: Mars is in his fall in Cancer and Saturn is not too comfortable in Pisces.

Together, I consider these planets – in this configuration - to represent God, Adam, and Eve. Having eaten the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, God banishes His creations from Eden. Saturn is the judge, Eve is both the tempted and the seductress, and Adam is the accomplice.

The symbolism suggests hard times, but times we must go through to grow, learn, and make our way to a new Heaven on Earth (as if we haven’t had enough already!). It’s also a common metaphor in science fiction (read “Rappchini’s Daughter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne or ponder Frankenstein, his monster, and his monster’s bride), suggesting a new frontier.

How to Muddle Through

This is only the beginning. Given the symbolism above, I feel like we’re being exiled into uncharted waters. It’s the first drops of rain of the storm, or rather, the sky is about to break.

I mentioned in a previous blog that 2023 would feel like intermission for most people, or the eye of the hurricane. Recess is well over and we’re back inside, opening our books.  

First, some commonsense tips for everyone. This isn’t just about the solar eclipse. It’s for the next several years – we need to be prepared for emergencies. Don’t panic! A little preparedness goes a long way:

  • Prep for Tuesday (at least): Have supplies saved up for emergencies. Have at least a month for everyone in your house of canned and dry goods, foodstuffs, pet food, and toiletries. Make sure you have first aid supplies handy and a way to boil water if necessary.

  • Victory garden: If you own property that you can grow food on, begin ordering seeds and set up some space to grow a small garden if you haven’t already. You can garden in your house or apartment small-scale in tubs; I’d recommend growing your tubs on a patio, balcony, or if you must grow indoors, put them over a waterproof surface in a south-facing window or under a grow light. Even better, form a coalition with your neighbors who garden and do annual “crop swaps.”

  • Bug-Out Bag Unlikely, but … if you need to leave your house in a hurry, keep a bag full of a change of weather-proof clothes (layers are your friend), underwear, plenty of socks, an analogue map of your state, some granola bars or other lightweight snacks. Keep it close to where you store important documents so you can throw those in the bag if need be. Keep your gas tank full and/or make sure your bike tires are full and your bike is in working order.   Plan a meeting spot with friends and family, preferably away from major cities.

  • Savings Carry cash on you, or stash cash in your bug-out bag. If you can, save for emergencies!

Planetary Energies Survival Guide

If your relationships are falling away, it’s because you need space for new people, new opportunities, and new growth. Solidify your relationship with yourself until these new people and situations come into your life.

To digest how this will impact you specifically, pull up your birth chart and compare it to the time of the eclipse (10/2/2024 at 2:48 PM EDT – adjust for your time zone and place where you were).

Look at the house this eclipse has happened in. That will reveal where you can expect some seismic shifts over the next few months. For me, it happened in my 10th house, so I can expect new beginnings and the beginning of the end in career, public image, and matters dealing with authority figures.

Now, look at whether it’s aspecting anything. Is the eclipse playing with any planets in your chart, and if so, how is it playing. If you have air sign planets around 10 degrees, this eclipse is nice for you. If you have anything around 10 degrees of a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), there will be some challenging lessons.

I’ve got a T-square between this and my Saturn/Neptune-Jupiter opposition. I’m expecting to learn some lessons in how I dela with that opposition, plus a challenge to help me mediate values between myself and others. The south node is also about to go over my moon, so I’m expecting some big endings at the end of this year.

Now, look and see if other planets are playing well (or not) with your chart. If you have anything in the middle of water signs, for instance, you’re begin impacted by the grand trine between Venus, Mars and Saturn. The aforementioned grand trine is right on my Pluto, so again, deep changes are coming my way.

If you need help interpreting your chart, you can drop me a line at

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